速報APP / 社交 / Poker Social Network

Poker Social Network





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:30A Ha Lamed Ha St', Tel Aviv. Israel

Poker Social Network(圖1)-速報App

PokerPlace is a “One Stop Shop” for recreational, real world, poker players & poker game managers. Users can easily search, find & join real events during travel all over the world, and game managers have a toolbox for creating, tracking reservations, messaging and managing events (public or private). The application is a social network & a toolbox for all kinds of poker games.

The application enable users to create & manage real world poker events, exchange information, and expand their poker friend social network. All available games presented in feed screen or map view

A sophisticated notification and alerting messaging system will advise users upfront about newly posted games, new friend requests, friend confirmations, and new tasks. Newly registered games will added automatically to calendar, if pre-selected in settings. You will never miss a game again.

Users can chat, exchange information, see friend's profiles, and even rate events or other players.

Poker Social Network(圖2)-速報App

In order to create organized & manage card game events, a management toolbox is available. The system has unlimited options to suit each player preferences such as Multi tables or a Sit & Go tournament, regular cash game with different buy-ins, Texas Holdem, Omaha, HORSE & other types, Limit, Pot limit or No Limit, all game options are there.

Managers can create three different types of event:

o Public – All application users will see specific details and can join the published event.

o Friends Only – Only users that are part of the manager’s PokerPlace social network (Friends) can see specific details and join the published event. All other application users will be able to see only basic information; they will not be able to see the real address (if posted), registered players & manager details. Users that are not part of the manager network are able to send a friend request in order to join the manager poker network, and only then, they will be able to join the event.

o Private – Only specific invited friends can see the published event, other application users will not be notified nor see the published event in their feed screen.

Poker Social Network(圖3)-速報App

More management tools:

o Create unlimited multi tables events

o Assign, Block or delete seats

o Create a waiting list

o Select to publish or not the event location & real address

Poker Social Network(圖4)-速報App

o Assign specific tasks to players

o Chat & send messages to all registered players

The Poker Place application is the poker player’s ultimate social network toolbox, so you can keep on doing your loved hobby in an easy & fun way at home or on the road.

Poker Social Network(圖5)-速報App